Monday, 28 February 2011

rude & beautiful

it just makes me giggle every time I walk past this pub, how immature of me.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

annie leibovitz

She's my favourite portrait photographer..


I love this series of ads she shot for Disney, having the celebrities portrayed as fairy tales characters.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011


love yourself. love what you do. love what you have.

rob ryan

this blog is a magpie of everything that inspires me and how some things changed my way of seeing things. Rob Ryan showed me that beautiful doesn't mean perfect and neat. Rough and lose is not just beautiful, but also authentic and unique.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

lily vanilli

I always forget how much I love cooking. To me, cooking and design have always been flirting with each other... Lily Vanilli cupcakes are a good example of this love affair, see these cupcakes she created for Halloween.

Friday, 11 February 2011

milton glaser

I feel very very privileged to have met Milton Glaser in person, this video still gives me thrills and every time I watch it again, I understand a bit more, and perhaps change a bit more as well.

It was 1977 and New York State needed a new ad campaign. Crime was rampant and the city's coffers were empty. Businesses (and their employees) were leaving the city in droves, and tourism was suffering. The State turned to Madison Avenue, who, in turn looked to young graphic designer Milton Glaser.Expecting it only to 'be a three-month campaign', Glaser donated his back of a taxi doodle for free; 'it was like one of those things you bang out because it didn't seem to merit any more attention'.Skip forward nearly 25 years, and the I (Heart) NY design remains one of the most recognizable pieces of design in the world. Still cited on licensed and unlicensed merchandise across the city and internationally, it's has taken on a life of its own. He may have invented the use of symbols to communicate, more commonly known as 'emoticons', am I right?


My dad says that pandas are nothing but sloths disguised as vegetarian bears. I just think they're beautiful.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

typography posters

music for the eyes

tim burton

These are some of his doodles, and you can see he's always been loyal to his style. Precious.

I just like sinister.

Monday, 7 February 2011

paul smith

The fashion designer shared where he found inspiration and talked through how his collections have changed, his advertising has become more experimental and his stores more eclectic. Because is a series of talks about inspiration, ideas and how they come to life.

blue in waterloo

Just came across this derelict in Waterloo area, and all the diferent tonalities of blues, the rustic textures and the juxtapositioned typography just caught my eye. It's a shame that my iphone camera doesn't do justice to the beautiful hints of turquoise. Who doesn't love a bit of blue?

Friday, 4 February 2011

rachel liddington

Rachel is full-time graphic designer from England based in Singapore, and among her many passions that include photography, music and handcrafts, is illustration. She developed this beautiful unique style with splatters inspired by water-colour paintings:

a wearable planter

Why should your plants stay at home? They help clean the air you breathe, are beautiful, and create a wonderful conversation starter. Carry a sprout, a succulent, or a flower you found on your morning walk.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

my new surf

Yes, it's out there! After 21 months of hard work, my new surf designs have just been released in the UK. Soon, it will reach Asia, Australia, South America and rest of Europe.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

tandy van schalkwyk

Nothing inspires me more than naturally talented people. Tandy is one of those people that is simply unstoppable, she brims with creativity. After a succesful period working as a graphic designer, she decided to dedicate herself to photography, having babies as her main subject. Her work speaks for itself:


I could thank Milton Glaser in so many ways for inspiring me and helping me to open my mind that I would run out of cyberspace, but to cut the story short, I had the chance to meet this young German fella through him:

the sartorialist

This blog just changed my way of looking into the world, I think it made my love of fashion become even more obsessive.
