Saturday 29 January 2011

Tuesday 25 January 2011

he is selling colours

Beautiful illustrations. Brazilian dude based in LA.

Monday 24 January 2011

breathtaking wall painting

If only I was talented like them...

scott campbell

the most beautiful skin art I've ever seen.


media: the london paper

Merry Xmas

I ♥ London

Japan - The Strange Country

My mom, who is the coolest chick in the world, told me about this video.

Lux Balloons

I'm so glad I found this video, I thought about it today to use as a reference on a project I'm working on at the moment.


One thing I love in Brazil is the 'lambe-lambe' posters. The bold type, the solid colours, the 'tiling' effect. The name 'lambe-lambe', in English 'lick-lick', to me says it all. Inspired by it I created this invite for a Brazilian after-party at the Berlin Film Festival.
